Lyrics to The Fields of Athenry

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Lyrics to The Fields of Athenry is written by Pete St. John. The name of the song is The Fields of Athenry. This song has been released on 1997. Producer of this song is Eamonn Campbell. This is a Pop song. This is a very popular song. People are giving a lot of love to this song, so we have given a lot of information through this article. The lyrics of this song have been beautifully presented for you, you can enjoy this song by reading the lyrics given below.

Lyrics to The Fields of Athenry

The Fields of Athenry Song Credits

Song The Fields of Athenry
Producer Eamonn Campbell
Writter Pete St. John
Release Date 1997
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Lyrics to The Fields of Athenry

By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young girl calling
Michael, they have taken you away
For you stole Trevelyan’s corn
So the young might see the morn
Now a prison ship lies waiting in the bay

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It’s so lonely round the fields of Athenry

By a lonely prison wall
I heard a young man calling
Nothing matters, Mary, when you’re free
Against the famine and the crown
I rebelled; they cut me down
Now you must raise our child with dignity

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It’s so lonely round the fields of Athenry

By a lonely harbour wall
She watched the last star falling
As the prison ship sailed out against the sky
For she’ll live and hope and pray
For her love in Botany Bay
It’s so lonely round the fields of Athenry

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It’s so lonely round the fields of Athenry

Low lie the fields of Athenry
Where once we watched the small free birds fly
Our love was on the wing
We had dreams and songs to sing
It’s so lonely round the fields of Athenry


👉A very similar lovely lyrics is presented for you, which you can read and enjoy by clicking on this link NMIXX Sonar Breaker Lyrics.


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