Black Pencil Song Lyrics have been shown very well in this article, which you can enjoy after reading. This is the lyrics of a very popular song, many people have shown love to this song.
Black Pencil Song Lyrics
Black pencil, Green pencil, Big banana pencil
Chamba machamba Chamba huyamba
Amerimma minety
Black pencil, Green pencil, Big banana pencil
If you girl angry She wants your black pencil
If you boy angry He wants your black pencil
Traveled in Amerimma, President Obama
BIG banana pencil President Ohio
Read Also Lyrics: Click Here
Sponge Bob Square pencil.
Big pencil, Small pencil, Gold pencil
Cheese pencil, Amerimma da pencil
Minion pencil, Turkish pencil
Spicy pencil, Million pencil
Amerimma (Hey), Meximma (Hey)
Chinemma (Hey), Turkimmani
Italimma (Hey), Nigеrimma (Hey)
Black pencil, Green pеncil, Big banana pencil
Chamba machamba, Chamba huiamba
Amerimma, minety
Black pencil, Green pencil, Big banana pencil
White coem, Blue Coem, ORIGINAL Coem!
A very similar lovely lyrics is presented for you, which you can read and enjoy by clicking on this link Lyrics Deep and Wide – Cedarmont Kids.
Black Pencil Song Video
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